The Montessori Method
The Montessori Method of learning can also be described as discovery learning. Through a time tested and scientifically developed environment, the child will develop primary elements of their character: Independence, cooperation, concentration, self-discipline and most of all self-esteem. It is no coincidence that some of the greatest thinkers of our time are past Montessori alums. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Mahatma Gandhi, Henry Ford, The Dalai Lama, Prince William and Henry and most recently, the founders of Google are a few of the famous names.
What are the basic concepts of Montessori?
The high level of academic achievement so common in Montessori schools is a natural outcome of experience in such a supportive environment. The Montessori method of education is a model which serves the needs of children of all levels of mental and physical ability as they live and learn in a natural, mixed-age group which is very much like the society they will live in as adults.